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Resplendent Trogons are natives of Central America. There are fifty kinds, and this is the largest. A systematic account of the superb tribe has been given by Mr. Gould, the only naturalist who has made himself fully acquainted with them.
My home is on an island where it is very warm. I fly among the tall trees and eat fruit and insects. See my beautiful feathers. The ladies like to wear them in their hats. The feathers of my wife are brown, but she has no long tail feathers.
Why this duck should be called red-breasted is not at first apparent, as at a distance the color can not be distinguished, but seen near, the reason is plain. It is a common bird in the United States in winter, where it is found in suitable localities.
I am a Toucan and I live in a very warm country. See my handsome black coat and my yellow vest. My toes are like a parrot’s, two in front and two behind. They help me to hold to the limbs. Look at my large beak. It looks heavy but it is not.
I have just been singing my morning song, and I wish you could have heard it. I think you would have liked it. I always sing very early in the morning. I sing because I am happy, and the people like to hear me.